Thursday, July 31, 2008

It Matters How You Say It

It Matters How You Say It
  • "Remember the meeting time."
  • "Don't forget the meeting time."

Do both of those say the same thing? Not as far as your brain is concerned.


The brain doesn't register the negative. So if you use the negative sentence “Don’t forget the meeting time,” your brain is ignoring the “don’t” and hearing the statement “forget the meeting time.”

If you use the positive sentence, “Remember the meeting time,” you’ll have a much better chance of seeing your participants show up on schedule.

The mind wants direction, not a sense of "lack." That's why it's important to pay attention to how you say things. If I tell you that something is "not very expensive" you'll focus on "expensive."

Try these:

  • "New" vs. "Untried"
  • "By 5 O'clock" vs. "By the end of the day"
  • "Economical" vs. "Inexpensive"
Note: This is how improvement efforts often get bogged down at the outset.

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